ENTER RACE 4 (22-23 MARCH, 2025) HERE


There's something for everyone and every ability. Test yourself and your friends in one of our fun events.

Active Kids and Novice/First Timers

Great introduction to Triathlons for children from the ages of 7 and also for adults. No timing, no pressure, just to learn about the Triathlon and have a lot of fun! Distances depend on age group. More...

Tykes, Trikes and Training Wheels

A duathlon event (run/bike/run) for the little ones aged 4-8 years. More...

Long Course Triathlon

Recommended for experienced athletes. 750m or 1km swim, 20km or 30km cycle, 5km or 8km run. More...

Short Course Triathlon

A good option for progress from Active First Timers - 300m swim, 10km cycle 3km run. More...

Short or Long Course Triathlon Series

Points scored from all four triathlons, those who enter three or four races over the season qualify for series prizes. More...

Aqua Bike

Recommended for experienced athletes - 750m or 1km swim, 10km or 30km. More...


Something For Everyone

Race 1

26-27 October 2024

Race 2

23-24 November 2024

Race 3

8-9 February 2025

Race 4

22-23 March 2025


Long Course Triathlon – from




Aus Triathlon - one day licence applies

Sunday event

Short Course Triathlon




Aus Triathlon - one day licence applies

Sunday event

Aqua Bike



Swim and Bike only

Aus Triathlon - one day licence applies

Sunday event

Active Kids & Novices/First Timers


From 7 years old

3 age groups

Non competitive

Great first event - Saturdays



The Story So Far

Bribie Island Triathlon is a series with a long history. It has now been running for 40 years and continues to go from strength to strength. It has come a long way from its humble beginnings.

Noel Wust began a successful three race series in Bribie in 1983. Three years later Run Inn Promotions came in and took over the series, making it a four race series and started doing their best to make it an even bigger and better success.

Race director Phil Hungerford mapped out the course, which has remained almost the same as the original until the 2009-10 season. The Bribie course with its tide assisted swim, flat and fast cycle and shaded and scenic run has become a favourite amongst triathletes.

Every season has brought something new and different to the series. Big name professionals with athletes such as Miles Stewart, Craig Walton, Courtney Atkinson, Chris Hill, Jackie Gallagher, Kate Major, Loretta Harrop and Leanda Cave have all been Bribie Triathlon competitors. Many international triathletes use Bribie Tri as a hit out before Noosa and Mooloolaba races each year.

Bribie Triathlon has also been a nurturing ground for up and coming athletes, with many of the current Queensland Junior Elite crew regularly competing at Bribie. Bribie is also a favourite for ‘first-timers’ with many clubs using Bribie as the climax of their beginner programmes. The Active Kids Triathlon is for children 7-13 years of age. The Novices/ First Timers Triathlon is a non competitive event to allow people to get into the sport.

We are grateful for the help we receive from the over 70 volunteers from at least ten local community groups who use this opportunity to fundraise for their group or a cause. These groups provide important roles at the event such as managing aid stations on course.


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